quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006

Eyes on 2008 - Mitt Romney

Um interessante artigo que encontrei na BBC:

2006? Forget it - 2008 is what major conservative donors are really worrying about, and they don't like the way their party is heading. Some of the biggest Republican donors are concerned that if the GOP loses the House in November it will boost John McCain's chances of winning the presidential nomination in two years' time and they do not like the senator from Arizona.

Why not? Well, they just don't trust him on their core values, as one conservative Republican put it to me. Conservatives believe Mr McCain will say whatever is need to get elected but won't really represent their interests on social issues if he makes it to the White House.

The man they like best is Mitt Romney. His politics seem most similar to theirs but they are genuinely concerned that the party's base, the Christian evangelicals, will never vote for a Mormon, which Mr Romney is.

Back to the mid-terms. If the Republicans lose control on Capitol Hill, the hunch is that the party will be so desperate to get back into power that stalwart Republican voters will decide to back a winner even if he's not a true conservative, and that's John McCain.

Comecei a ler um pouco mais sobre o governador de Massachussets, Mitt Romney, há alguns meses a propósito de uma série de reformas (polémicas) que instaurou no Estado de Massachussets, sobre as quais ainda vou escrever. A minha avaliação global foi bastante positiva e seria um dos nomes que gostaria de ver na corrida à nomeação republicana. Quanto ao Senador McCain, não nutro uma grande simpatia por este, embora reconheça que desconheço quais as suas posições em alguns assuntos-chave. Porém, não existem dúvidas que a lista de presidenciáveis no GOP está a estreitar-se e McCain é sem qualquer dúvida um candidato muito forte.

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